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2022 June 26 Announcements

Roxy Blunier • June 28, 2022

Our collection for the month of June is for Local Area Relief Projects. 
The Bible class is on a mission trip to Sunset Gap, TN this week. Please be prayerful for them. 

Dear Brothers & Sisters, 
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 
The Bluffton Country congregation is looking forward to hosting the 2022 General Conference on Friday, August 5th. We want to extend a warm welcome to each of you. 
The Thursday evening meal on August 4th begins at 4:30 and continues through 6:00 PM at the Bluffton Country church. The Elder/Minister meeting starts at 6:30 in the church sanctuary with the song service beginning at 6:00 PM. The wives of our Elders and Ministers are invited and encouraged to attend the Minister meeting as well. 
On Thursday evening, there will be a singing and fellowship time for all others at the Bluffton Country Fellowship Hall beginning at 6:30 PM. 
On Friday, the song service will begin at 8:00 AM, followed by the General Conference starting at 9:00 AM. 
**We want to invite all to this conference. If you can attend, please contact Bro. Jeff Wiegand no later than this Friday, July 1st. You will also need to register yourself at the following link ( no later than Friday, July 1st.**
If it is not possible for you to attend, but you would like to view Friday’s General Conference, you may go to to view the live stream of the speakers.
It is our prayer that the name of Jesus will be lifted up and our Heavenly Father will be glorified in all that we do. 
In the Love of Christ, 
The Bluffton Country Brotherhood Conference Committee
P.S. Keep in mind that the Gateway Woods Auction is Saturday, August 6th in Leo (only a 45 minute drive from Bluffton). We know that they would love to have your support there as well.
The whole church is invited to a singing for Bro. Joseph Anderson and Sis. Saige Anderson this Saturday, July 2nd at the Fellowship Hall at 7 p.m. 

We are still in need of several volunteers for the HarvestCall Proclaim and Serve Conference on July 9, especially ushers and song leaders. Please check out the signup list and sign up by this Wednesday, June 29th. 
Here are some ways you can help out:
1.      We need many volunteers! If you would like to help at the event, please sign up via this link: 
2.      If you are willing to keep someone overnight, please contact Sis. Joyce Kloter.
3.      Please continue to pray that God will be glorified through the conference. There are still cards and email lists at the message center if you would like to send some encouragement to a speaker or group facilitator. 
4.      Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend the conference. All attendees, including workers, need to register via this link: 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Bro. Nate or Sis. Emily Sauder. Thank you for all of your prayers and support! Thank you so much! 

Vacation Bible School is coming up July 11th through 15th. There is a sign-up sheet at the message center for Pie Night on Friday, July 15th. We are looking for volunteers to make pies, cut pies, and serve coffee.
During the week of VBS we will be accepting monetary donations for operational costs for The En Gedi House in Jamaica. This home is run by Sis. Erin Davis where she & her daughter Neiah live & offer a safe home for babies. In the last year she has cared for five children ages 2 months to three years of age. Thank you for your love & continued support of the missions in Jamaica!
The speakers in the sanctuary that week will be:
Monday, July 11th
Minister: Matt Kauffman [Bloomington] 
Abandoned for a Purpose: A Drifting Baby Was No Accident
Singing Group: Living Waters [Gridley]
Snack: Taco Bar
Wednesday, July 13th 
 Minister: Gregg Rumbold [Peoria] 
Courage to Face the Bully: Following God When it Gets Hard – Facing Pharaoh
Singing Group: Brothers Quartet [Goodfield]
Snack: Pasta Night
Friday, July 15th 
Minister: Jeremy Leman [Forrest] 
God Will Make a Way: I can Trust Him When I’m Afraid – Crossing the Red Sea
Singing Group:  Sunday School Children
Snack: Pie Night
It's time to collect school supplies for Heartline. We will be getting supplies for 95 middle school and high school students. Please use this signup link: An Amazon wish list is also linked below if you prefer to buy off that and have it shipped. Please mark on the signup even if you buy off of Amazon. Donations need to be brought to the church or shipped by July 10th. Thank you so much for helping with this community service project! Any questions, contact Sis. Marsha Rocke.
Amazon wish list:

By Roxy Blunier March 17, 2025
MONTHLY COLLECTION: General Operations fund We will also be taking a collection for the Eureka Area Food Pantry this month. If you'd like to donate financially, please indicate "Food Pantry" in the memo of your check. If you'd like to donate canned goods, please add them to the basket in the north entryway. Contact Kristen or Melissa Rokey with any questions. Donate electronically CALENDARS: Church calendar , yearly calendar , young group calendar , national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Toilet Paper for the Heart House LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Goodfield Worship Choir will soon begin practice for the Easter session. Please see Bro. Erik Wiegand if you’d like to join. This is the final opportunity to make any changes to the lunch list. If you'd like to be added or removed, please contact Sis. Megan Rokey. The final list will be printed soon. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT: We rejoice with Bro. Logan and Sis. Keirstyn Dietrich as they were blessed with a baby boy, Preston John on March 5th. 
By Roxy Blunier March 10, 2025
MONTHLY COLLECTION: General Operations fund We will also be taking a collection for the Eureka Area Food Pantry this month. If you'd like to donate financially, please indicate "Food Pantry" in the memo of your check. If you'd like to donate canned goods, please add them to the basket in the north entryway. Contact Kristen or Melissa Rokey with any questions. Donate electronically CALENDARS: Church calendar , yearly calendar , young group calendar , national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Toilet Paper for the Heart House THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: HarvestCall sewing will be held this Tuesday from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Fellowship Hall. This Wednesday evening ACCFS plans to be with us to talk about the “Discipline of Scriptural Intake (Study and Meditation)”. This will be at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. and everyone is welcome. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Last call for changes to the church directory. We hope to get the directory to the printer very soon so if you have updates, please get them to Bro. Barry & Sis. Joyce Kloter or Bro. Randy & Sis. Roxy Blunier. NATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: A major wind and hailstorm has caused the need for a new roof on the Apostolic Christian Retirement Village in Sabetha Kansas. After much prayer and consideration, God has directed us to use volunteer labor to replace the roof on the whole facility. It will require 11 semi loads of shingles and many hours of volunteer labor. Lord willing, the “Rooftop Revival” project will begin Sunday evening, May 25th. The projected duration of the project is 5-7 weeks. This project will be patterned after the Winter Rebuilding ministry. Please use the Sign-up Genius link below to inform us of your plans so the local congregations (Bern and Sabetha) can make preparation. Meals and accommodations will be provided, but we need all volunteers individually to respond via Sign-up Genius. Contact Bro. Barry or Sis. Joyce Kloter with questions. PRAYER REQUESTS: Please pray for Bro Sam Moser this week, especially for the doctors and nurses as they go through the testing of a nodule in his lung and a mass on his pancreas Bro Sam will be getting a bronchial lung biopsy this Friday, then an endoscopic ultrasound and biopsy of the pancreas scheduled in April. 
By Roxy Blunier March 3, 2025
MONTHLY COLLECTION: Our collection for the month of March is for the General Operations fund. This is a church collection to provide available funds for the operation, maintenance and upkeep of our church facilities. These facilities include the church, fellowship hall, contents, grounds, parking lots and cemeteries. Donate electronically CALENDARS: Church calendar , yearly calendar , young group calendar , national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Kleenex for the Heart House THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: This week is our annual spring Elder Conference in Bradford. The elder body appreciates your prayers as we work through the many things facing our church today. There will be an all church, walk through shower this Tuesday evening, March 4th, from 7-8 PM in the Gathering Room for 4 couples: Jessica Wettstein and Trevor Rocke Brad Glueck and Bella Galbraith Caleb Rocke and Sarah Reavely Sarah Hartman and Kaleb Merritt Please bring $5-10 and a paper product for each couple. Contact Sis. Lisa Rieke with any questions. We are having a Family Hymn Sing this Saturday, March 8 at 6:30 at the Fellowship Hall. We have invited the Washington Church to join us. There will be a snack after the singing. If you would like to help out with the snack, please sign up here . We hope that you can come join us in a night of song worship! The Family Hymn Sing Committee Nate & Emily Sauder Dan & Holly Bauman Brent & Trudy Blunier LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: We want to welcome Bro. Joe and Sis. Jan Beer back to our Goodfield congregation. They have moved back to the area after being gone from Goodfield for over 20 years. We are blessed to have them worshipping with us again. NATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: A major wind and hailstorm has caused the need for a new roof on the Apostolic Christian Retirement Village in Sabetha Kansas. After much prayer and consideration, God has directed us to use volunteer labor to replace the roof on the whole facility. It will require 11 semi loads of shingles and many hours of volunteer labor. Lord willing, the “Rooftop Revival” project will begin Sunday evening, May 25th. The projected duration of the project is 5-7 weeks. This project will be patterned after the Winter Rebuilding ministry. Please use the Sign-up Genius link below to inform us of your plans so the local congregations (Bern and Sabetha) can make preparation. Meals and accommodations will be provided, but we need all volunteers individually to respond via Sign-up Genius. Contact Bro. Barry or Sis. Joyce Kloter with questions. PRAYER REQUESTS: Please pray for Cindy Rokey-Smith this week as she begins radiation treatment in Idaho for her cancer. The Phyllis Rokey family appreciates your support and prayers for her during this season.  Please join us and millions of Christians as we fast and pray for spiritual awakening for our Muslim friends and neighbors during the Ramadan season, which began this past Friday and lasts until March 29. This is an amazing opportunity to be intentional in prayer during this important season leading up to Easter. What is Ramadan? Click this link to learn: You can s i gn up to pray here: If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please see Bro. Erik or Sis. Carrie Wiegand.
By Roxy Blunier February 24, 2025
MONTHLY COLLECTION: Apostolic Christian HarvestCall CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Kleenex for the Heart House THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: Young Group babysitting will be tonight, Monday evening, from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall main assembly room. Kids must be potty trained. There will be games, coloring, and a snack provided. There is no sign up, just bring them! This Tuesday we will have our Young Group Bible studies. Girls will be at Haley Sauder‘s house. Guys will be at Drake Rocke‘s house. Both start at 7:00 PM. This Wednesday evening Bro. Matt Grimm will be leading a topical Bible study. This will be held at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. and everyone is welcome. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: There will be an all church, walk through shower on Tuesday evening, March 4th, from 7-8 PM in the Gathering Room for 4 couples: Jessica Wettstein and Trevor Rocke Brad Glueck and Bella Galbraith Caleb Rocke and Sarah Reavely Sarah Hartman and Kaleb Merritt Please bring $5-10 and a paper product for each couple. If you can help, please sign up here. Contact Sis. Lisa Rieke with any questions. NATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: A major wind and hailstorm has caused the need for a new roof on the Apostolic Christian Retirement Village in Sabetha Kansas. After much prayer and consideration, God has directed us to use volunteer labor to replace the roof on the whole facility. It will require 11 semi loads of shingles and many hours of volunteer labor. Lord willing, the “Rooftop Revival” project will begin Sunday evening, May 25th. The projected duration of the project is 5-7 weeks. This project will be patterned after the Winter Rebuilding ministry. Please use the Sign-up Genius link below to inform us of your plans so the local congregations (Bern and Sabetha) can make preparation. Meals and accommodations will be provided, but we need all volunteers individually to respond via Sign-up Genius. Contact Bro. Barry or Sis. Joyce Kloter with questions. BAPTISM ANNOUNCEMENT:  We rejoice that Meredith Rokey is at peace with God and desires baptism. Meredith is the daughter of Bro. Robert and Sis. Melissa Rokey. We plan to hear her testimony and baptize her with Haley Sauder on April 5 and 6. Please feel free to reach out to her with any questions or encouragement between now and then and continue to pray for Meredith.
By Roxy Blunier February 17, 2025
MONTHLY COLLECTION: Apostolic Christian HarvestCall CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Kleenex for the Heart House THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: The annual ballot for Sunday School Teachers and Trustee was emailed out this week. Please remember to fill out your ballot by this Saturday, February 22nd. It is Goodfield’s turn to have Sunday morning services at the Eureka AC Home each Sunday in February. These services begin at 8:45 a.m. Please come help sing and support our ministers if you are able. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Young Group babysitting will be Monday, Feb 24th from 6-8:30pm at the Fellowship Hall main assembly room. Kids must be potty trained. There will be games, coloring, and a snack provided. There is no sign up, just bring them. There will be an all church, walk through shower on Tuesday evening, March 4th, from 7-8 PM in the Gathering Room for 4 couples: Jessica Wettstein and Trevor Rocke Brad Glueck and Bella Galbraith Caleb Rocke and Sarah Reavely Sarah Hartman and Kaleb Merritt Please bring $5-10 and a paper product for each couple. If you can help, please sign up here. Contact Sis. Lisa Rieke with any questions. NATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Bro. Greg Wagner spoke to us about Gateway Woods. There is a flyer on the bulletin board from Gateway Woods detailing their needs for house parents. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT: We are excited to share with our Goodfield Church the engagement of Bro. Andy Knobloch of the Silverton, OR church to Sis. Ulista Banwart of Sabetha, KS. Bro. Andy grew up here in Goodfield and we rejoice with him and Sis. Ulista. 
By Roxy Blunier February 10, 2025
MONTHLY COLLECTION: Apostolic Christian HarvestCall CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Kleenex for the Heart House THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: The 7th & 8th grade Sunday school classes will be packing clothes at the HarvestCall building tonight (Monday) at 6:30 p.m. HarvestCall sewing will be cancelled for Tuesday. This Wednesday evening ACCFS plans to be with us to talk about “The Discipline of Slowing Down/Stillness”. This will be at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. and everyone is welcome. It is Goodfield’s turn to have Sunday morning services at the Eureka AC Home each Sunday in February. These services begin at 8:45 a.m. Please come help sing and support our ministers if you are able. The Gridley church would like to invite the Goodfield church to a singing at their church next Sunday, February 16th at 6:30. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Our annual ballot for Sunday School Teachers and Trustee will be coming soon. On the ballot this year will also be an opportunity to confirm a new board member for the Eureka Nursing Home Board. We are thankful for the many years that Bro. Ed Wiegand has represented our Goodfield church on the board. With the fulfillment of his term this year, we have asked Bro. Darrell Stoller to take his place. We are looking for a simple yes/no confirmation on the ballot for Bro. Darrell to begin a term on the nursing home board. It’s time to update our church directory. If you have any changes, please get them to Bro. Randy & Sis. Roxy Blunier or Bro. Barry & Sis. Joyce Kloter. Thank you! Sis. Rebekah Schwind from our Roanoke congregation would like to share about an exciting new opportunity for homeschooling families—the Illinois Homeschool Resource Center—which they are working to launch by the end of this year. Since homeschooling is already common among many of our church families, we wanted to extend a warm invitation to you and anyone in your congregation who may be interested. We are hosting an informational meeting on Thursday, February 13th, from 7:00-8:00 PM at the Morton Apostolic Christian Fellowship Hall (2177 Veterans Road, Morton, IL 61550). As homeschooling continues to grow within our community, many families are seeking guidance, encouragement, and resources to help them along the way. Our goal is to equip, encourage, and connect homeschooling families in a way that is firmly rooted in faith and family values. While we do not yet have a physical building, we are starting with local events, vendor fairs, and an online presence, with the hope of providing a space where families can access curriculum guidance, used book consignment, workshops, and other support. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if I can be of any help. I look forward to the opportunity to share more with you. With love in Christ, Rebekah Schwind Illinois Homeschool Resource Center | 309-339-7713 | NATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS:  The Silver Lining’s next reader-submitted article is set for May 2025. The topic is: Faith in Dark Valleys: Describe how God sustained you or an acquaintance during a challenging season — drawing strength from his Word (Psalm 23:4). Please submit your contribution (length = 600 words or less) on this topic to by March 15, 2025. Anyone may also email that same address for writing support or clarification.
By Roxy Blunier February 4, 2025
MONTHLY COLLECTION: Our collection for the month of February is for Apostolic Christian HarvestCall. This is an outreach arm of the Apostolic Christian Church of America. It is a ministry formed from the merger of World Relief and the Mission Committee. HarvestCall’s purpose is to enable the Apostolic Christian brotherhood to proclaim Christ and serve others beyond the capacity of the local church. Please join us as we strive to alleviate suffering and despair around the world by sharing Jesus through words of truth and deeds of compassion. Donate electronically CALENDARS: Church calendar , yearly calendar , young group calendar , national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Kleenex for the Heart House THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: There will be ACTIVE this Wednesday evening, and the Bible class will have ACYF practice. It is Goodfield’s turn to have Sunday morning services at the Eureka AC Home each Sunday in February. These services begin at 8:45 a.m. Please come help sing and support our ministers if you are able. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: The updated missionary prayer books are in the back hall. Please take one and dedicate time in prayer for our missionaries that are spreading the Gospel across the world. It’s time to update our church directory. If you have any changes, please get them to Bro. Randy & Sis. Roxy Blunier or Bro. Barry & Sis. Joyce Kloter. Thank you! From the Apostolic Christian Home of Eureka: · Excellent opportunity to purchase a duplex in our quiet Valley Court neighborhood. $180,000 life lease purchase of a duplex that is being renovated in March. Act now and you can chose new kitchen cabinets, countertops and appliances plus all new floor coverings! Duplex #509 is located on the north side of Valley Court with southern sun exposure. Contact Kim Joos, Administrator at 309-460-1201 for a tour and additional information . We would love to have you join our duplex family! · Our people are known for their great AC cooking and we are looking for a few of you to put your talents to use for our condo and apartment residents as a volunteer or an employee. Prepare and serve a homemade meal in our condo kitchen for 10-15 residents Monday through Friday. Choose one day a week or all five days! Contact Kim Joos, Administrator at 309-460-1201 for more information on how you can support our mission in this way. Save the Date for the Midwest Foodbank Gala dinner and auction on Saturday, April 5th. Trails End is catering a rib eye dinner. To purchase tickets or donate an auction item or money, please contact sisters Paula Hartman, Kary Wiegand or Alice Ruegsegger. Thanks for your support of the Foodbank! NATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Silver Lining’s next reader-submitted article is set for May 2025. The topic is: Faith in Dark Valleys: Describe how God sustained you or an acquaintance during a challenging season — drawing strength from his Word (Psalm 23:4) . Please submit your contribution (length = 600 words or less) on this topic to by March 15, 2025. Anyone may also email that same address for writing support or clarification. THANK YOU NOTE: The families of Jerry Steffen would like to thank everyone for their cards, prayers, love and sharing of memories! A big thank you to our ministering brothers, choir, kitchen staff, and church congregation. You are all so loved. PRAYER REQUEST UPDATE: Update on Erika Leman. Erika will have her first round of chemo today (Monday morning). She will be receiving them at Illinois Cancer Care in Peoria. We are thankful for the ways in which God has provided for the treatments to be done here and for the wonderful oncologist she has. Please pray that the chemo would kill the metastatic cells and that she would have few side effects. Thank you for the kindness’s and love our family has received these past two months. It has been amazing! For your information: Erika does have a caring bridge site: Erika’s CaringBridge . Bill and Terry Hart. 
By Roxy Blunier January 27, 2025
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By Roxy Blunier January 20, 2025
MONTHLY COLLECTION: HarvestCall Disaster Relief Fund CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Hand soap/cleaning supplies for the Heart House (Could be toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom/kitchen cleaner, disinfectant spray, etc.) THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: There will be a blood drive at the Fellowship Hall on Monday, January 20th from 1:00-6:00 p.m. If you’d like to donate blood, please register online or contact Sis. Lynda Hinrichsen. The Heart House needs volunteers to have some door trim and floorboards stained, a ceiling (small ceiling) painted and a door painted. If there is anyone willing to help from within your circles, please have them sign up here. Looking to do this on January 21 & January 22. All the volunteers that have come and helped have been such a blessing and are so appreciated!! Contact Bro. Barry Kloter with any questions. This Wednesday evening ACCFS will be coming to speak to us about “Discipleship and Spiritual Disciplines”. This will be an introduction to a series they will be presenting to us this winter and will take place at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome and invited to come. There will be a Middle School Youth Activity Night at the Eureka Middle School on January 26th for our 5th-8th graders. This is a great way to get the Sunday school students of our church together in the wintertime for supper, have fun playing games, and continue to build relationships with each other. Student drop-off is at 4:30 p.m. and pick-up is at 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Bob or Sis. Ashley Schieler. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bible study books are in and available in the south foyer for pick up. It's time to update the lunch serving list. Please let Sis. Megan Rokey know if you wish to be added to the serving list or taken off the list. Bro. Nathan & Sis. Laura Wiegand are moving off of the Charity Fund Committee. Sis. Holly and Bro. Pete Wettstein have agreed to step onto this committee and take the lead role. The current charity fund committee is: Pete & Holly, Duane & Vermeda Freidinger, Brent & Trudy Blunier and Dawn Maloney The 75th Annual Goodfield Community Club Spaghetti Supper will be held on: Saturday, February 1st, 2025 Carry-out only at Goodfield Gradeschool Gym 4:30-6:30 pm They are in need of volunteers to make the night happen. Please sign up here to help out. Contact Sis. Abby Dietrich with any questions. Save the Date for the Midwest Foodbank Gala dinner and auction on Saturday, April 5th. Trails End is catering a rib eye dinner. To purchase tickets or donate an auction item or money, please contact sisters Paula Hartman, Kary Wiegand or Alice Ruegsegger. Thanks for your support of the Foodbank! THANK YOU NOTE: Thank you from Rob & Sis. Diane Gregoire: We would like to thank you for the flowers, prayers, texts, and kind words during the passing of Rob's father. Much love and blessings to you all.  PRAYER REQUEST: Our dear Brother Jerry Steffen passed away last week. His visitation will be Thursday, January 23rd from 4:00 to 7:00 PM at the Fellowship Hall and Friday the 24th from 9:00 to 9:45 at the church with the funeral following at 10:00 AM on Friday. Please continue to pray for the Steffen family during this difficult time. It is Group 2's turn to help and bring food for the funeral. Please sign up here if you can help.
By Roxy Blunier January 13, 2025
MONTHLY COLLECTION: HarvestCall Disaster Relief Fund CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Hand soap/cleaning supplies for the Heart House (Could be toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom/kitchen cleaner, disinfectant spray, etc.) THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: HarvestCall sewing will be held this Tuesday from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Fellowship Hall. All men and boys (5th grade and older) of our church are invited for our next Growing Godly Guys, or G3, Sunday morning coffee & devotion next Sunday morning, January 19th in the Gathering Room at 9:00 a.m. Contact Bro. Arlen Edelman with any questions. Family Hymn Sing is next Sunday evening, January 19 at 5:00 at the Fellowship Hall. We will put together health kits, eat a Tobin's pizza dinner and sing. Please sign up at the message center or through the online link in the announcements so the committee can plan food amounts. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bible study books are in and available in the south foyer for pick up. There will be a blood drive at the Fellowship Hall on Monday, January 20th from 1:00-6:00 p.m. If you’d like to donate blood, please register online or contact Sis. Lynda Hinrichsen. The Heart House needs volunteers to have some door trim and floorboards stained, a ceiling (small ceiling) painted and a door painted. If there is anyone willing to help from within your circles, please have them sign up here. Looking to do this on January 21 & January 22. All the volunteers that have come and helped have been such a blessing and are so appreciated!! Contact Bro. Barry Kloter with any questions. There will be a Middle School Youth Activity Night at the Eureka Middle School on January 26th for our 5th-8th graders. This is a great way to get the Sunday school students of our church together in the wintertime for supper, have fun playing games, and continue to build relationships with each other. Student drop-off is at 4:30 p.m. and pick-up is at 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Bob or Sis. Ashley Schieler. The 75th Annual Goodfield Community Club Spaghetti Supper will be held on: Saturday, February 1st, 2025 Carry-out only at Goodfield Gradeschool Gym 4:30-6:30 pm They are in need of volunteers to make the night happen. Please sign up here to help out. Contact Sis. Abby Dietrich with any questions. Save the Date for the Midwest Foodbank Gala dinner and auction on Saturday, April 5th. Trails End is catering a rib eye dinner. To purchase tickets or donate an auction item or money, please contact sisters Paula Hartman, Kary Wiegand or Alice Ruegsegger. Thanks for your support of the Foodbank! NATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Sunday School Curriculum Committee, a part of Onward Media, is excited to share an update with the church! In the past year, our dedicated team of authors, reviewers, coordinators, and illustrators across our congregations have written over 300 preschool through 12th-grade lessons. Nearly 500 lessons have been written in the last two years! This is a testimony of God's faithfulness and the hard work of our volunteers. Please thank those in your congregation who have been contributing! We aim to write the remaining 220 lessons by December 2025 and have the finished product ready afterward. However, you can access these lessons in their current format on our website. To finish, we need additional authors and reviewers: ten volunteers in high school, four in junior high, and two in first and second grade. Additional help for general review, copyright, and apologetics would also be appreciated. We need brothers and sisters willing to spend 2-5 hours a week writing and reviewing lessons that come alongside our families in teaching who God is, what he has done, and how he wants our students...the future of our live. For more information about the project watch this video and visit our website ( To volunteer, please sign up via this link or at our website by January 19. Please continue to pray God directs this work and brings us the volunteers we need. LETTER FROM ALTADENA, CA CHURCH: Greetings to you from Altadena, in the name of Jesus! We have been overwhelmed this past week with the shock and devastation of high winds and uncontrolled fire that has wreaked havoc on our community. We are also overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and care and prayer and offers of support from across our land. Some of you have lived here, some of you have buried loved ones here, many of you have visited us. There are lots of memories of the joys and sorrows, of the worship and fellowship we’ve shared. We believe that God is sovereign, that nothing happens outside of His control and that to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. As our congregation has become smaller over the years, we have asked the Lord for insight as to what the future holds for our church. On Tuesday, driving up the hill through the confusion of disaster, passing block after block of smoldering ruins, I turned and was amazed at the sight…our church building, standing there, untouched. The sight took my breath away and moved me to a sense of deep humility and gratitude. Today, we are thankful to be here, for such a time as this. Right away our minds can go to restoring and rebuilding or blaming and politicizing. However, our community is full of precious souls, made in the image of God and our primary need is prayer. So we ask that you join us. Pray that hearts and marriages and relationships and lives can be reborn, repaired and restored by the grace of God. Pray that in the name of Jesus, we can carry on His ministry… to proclaim good news to the poor, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, and to comfort all who mourn. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help us know how to share the light and love and life of Christ with our hurting community. Also, pray with us for discernment on how to help address imminent material needs. HarvestCall has reached out and we are making a list of those with whom we have current relationships that have suffered loss and need assistance. Donations can be made to the HarvestCall Disaster Fund/Altadena. Love, grace and peace to you all, Tom Klotzle and the Altadena/Los Angeles church REPENTANCE ANNOUNCEMENT:  We are very excited to announce that Fiona Rocke has accepted the free gift of salvation and is seeking membership in our church. Fiona is the daughter of Bro. Adam and Sis. Maribeth. Please pray for Fiona as we know Satan hates a public confession of faith in Jesus!
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