MONTHLY COLLECTION: Gateway Woods Children’s Home
CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar
SERMONS: Audio/Video
SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Shampoo for the Heart House
This Wednesday evening Bro. Jonathan Hodel plans to talk to us about “Blessed are the Peacemakers”. This will be at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. and everyone is welcome.
Goodfield church in is invited to Fairbury Fellowship Hall for a singing next Sunday, September 1st at 6:30 p.m. There is a sign-up sheet at the message center. Contact Sis. Joy Roth with any questions.
Minister ballots were emailed out on Friday. Please prayerfully fill those out by Saturday, September 7th. If you prefer a paper copy, please see one of the ministers.
The Adult Friends Bible Studies will be held each Sunday morning in September (except September 1st) at 10:00 a.m. in the Gathering Room. Bro. Kurt Plattner plans to lead these studies. Please be prayerful for Bro. Kurt and all those who attend.
Bro. Alan & Sis. Joanne Roth will be hosting the GriefShare program at the Fellowship Hall beginning Sept. 9 at 6:30pm. It will continue for 13 weeks, each Monday evening. This program is for those experiencing grief of a spouse, child, parents or family member. It is open to everyone in the community. Please share if you know someone who can benefit from this faith-based program.
Our all church Invite-a-friend is coming up on Sunday, September 15th. We will have a supper at the Fellowship Hall at 4:30 followed by a singing. Please sign up at the message center or online if you plan to attend. There are also opportunities to help bring food if you are able. Contact Sisters Serena Wiegand, Joni Zacha or Roxy Blunier with any questions.
A big thank you to Jeremy and Joni Zacha for their 18+ years on the Rotating Potluck Committee. They are wanting to find replacements. If you would be willing to fill this role, please let Nate or Emily Sauder know.
We are looking for ACTIVE teachers. ACTIVE is a program for kids ages 3 years to High School. ACTIVE runs twice a month from October to March on Wednesdays at 7pm. We are needing 2 teachers for elementary aged kids and 1 couple to help teach High Schoolers. Please contact Bro. Curt & Sis. Larisa Wettstein if you are interested and/or have questions. Thank you for your prayerful support.
Due to ACYF night being in Gridley on November 3rd, we will change the next Family Hymn Sing to Sunday, November 17th.
The Annual Eureka Home Family Fest will take place Saturday, October 5th at the Goodfield Fellowship Hall from 4-8PM. Please check the Home website for more information on the food booths, children’s activities and auctions. Traditional auction item donations will NOT be needed this year since the online auction will be focused on services, meals, and activities. Please see the list below for Auction donation ideas.
Detailed information for donations may be sent to the Home or emailed (LINK - to the auction committee by September 28th. Items for the Bake Sale will also be needed. This is an opportunity to share and enjoy the gifts God has given to each of us. Please see Sisters Jill Wagner or Jenise Wiegand for more information.
Ideas for auction:
• Fresh produce from your garden next summer
• 5 quarts canned homemade tomato juice
• 2 bushels sweet corn for freezing
• Pool and pizza party
• 2 hours tubing down the Mackinaw and lunch
• Horseback rides
• Painting/art lesson
• Car detailing
• House cleaning
• Handyman work
• Organizing
• 3 hours sewing/mending
• Babysitting/meal
• Baking for church lunch
• Provide your potluck dish
• Meal delivered to your house
• Kids activity day with fun lunch
• Ladies lunch
• Shopping in Chicago
• Will plant the flowers you buy next spring
• Fishing for an evening with picnic basket
• Picnic in the park
• Classes in anything that you have skill with
The ETR (Elder Teaching Resource) Apologetics Committee is planning its fifth annual Apologetics Conference on Saturday, November 9 in Smithville, OH. The purpose of the conference is to raise awareness of what apologetics is, why it matters, and introduce major apologetic questions. The first four conferences, with themes of “Introduction to Apologetics”, “Reliability of the Scriptures”, “Who is God?”, and “Does God Matter?” were well received by attendees and have promoted these topics within our denomination.
This year's theme is "I’m Glad You Asked: How Good Questions Turn Doubt to Faith". All of us have questions, from a simple curiosity to deeper struggles to understand the world around us. The secular world is providing answers; often without dialog, compassion, or a consideration of Biblical perspectives. At the 2024 Apologetics Conference we will look at how we are equipped to listen, support, and respond to each other with Love, Respect, and Truth. More information and a registration link can be found on the ETR Website. Registration is required so that Smithville can make adequate plans for food, materials, and staffing. We encourage Apostolic Christian ministers, Sunday School teachers, and spouses to register early as these topics relate directly to their church roles.
Brother Ted and Sister Kenda Taufer would like to thank their church family for their love and prayers over the past few months. At this time, further testing has brought forth a cancer diagnosis. The Taufer family would ask for continued prayer for strength and patience as Sister Kenda begins chemotherapy treatments at Mayo Clinic.
Apostolic Christian Church