Our collection for the month of August is for Gateway Woods Children’s Home. Gateway Woods offers Christ-centered social services and residential facilities in northeast Indiana, including residential childcare, on-grounds schooling, foster care, adoption and home-based services. The mission is to honor and obey God by providing hope and healing to troubled children and families who then may bless others.
CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar
SERMONS: Audio/Video
We plan to have a prayer meeting before the elder conference tomorrow, Monday, August 5th at 7pm. Anyone is welcome to attend. We will be meeting in the west Sunday school assembly where participants will be given two separate options to participate.
Option 1. Individual silent prayer in the sanctuary with topics the Elders intend to discuss at the conference
Option 2. Small groups that will pray aloud together for the topics being discussed at the conference.
The entire evening should last about an hour. Contact Bro. Nathan Wiegand with any questions.
This Wednesday evening, August 7th, we are looking forward to hearing two of our sisters share about their experiences in the mission field. Sis. Mikaila Rocke will share a slideshow and tell about her time in Africa and Sis. Erin Davis will give an update on her mission at the En Gedi House in Jamaica. Be prayerful for these two sisters as they testify of God's power in the mission field. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00.
Please be prayerful for the elder conference this week. The general conference is this Friday at the Peoria church.
Brothers Ty Sauder and Keith Grimm are hosting a Growing Godly Guys night at Sauder lake this Saturday, August 10th. All men and boys, 5th grade and older are invited. Activities include, rock climbing, zip lining, swimming, campfires, and eating pizza. Signup using this link so they can get numbers of who plans to attend...or if you have tech difficulty, simply text Ty or Keith. Location address is listed on the signup.
Please join us for the Family Hymn Sing next Sunday, August 11th at 4:30pm. We will have the privilege of working together to assemble Midwest health kits. A meal will be provided and will conclude with worship. There is a sign up for attending the Family Hymn Sing at the message center. Or you can sign up online here. If you are able to help bring food to the family hymn sing, please sign up here.
There will be an all church walk through shower for 5 couples:
Kurt Hinrichsen and Shayla McCormick
Marisa (Herrmann) and Philip Tharp
Jacob and Libby (Schulz) Wiegand
Laura Blunier and Seth Galloway
Hannah (Royer) and Don McFarlin
on Saturday, August 17th from 9 to 10 AM in the Center room at the fellowship hall. Please bring $5-10 and a paper product. If you can help, please
sign up using this link. Contact Sis. Lisa Rieke with any questions.
Bro. Mark Streitmatter is planning on giving an exhortation to our Goodfield congregation on Wednesday, August 21st regarding preparing our hearts to search for a new minister for our pulpit. It would be really good for as many as possible to attend that evening as we discuss this very important step for our church.
Dave Wiegand is at peace, and we are planning his testimony and baptism for August 17 and 18. Testimonies for Dave, Clayton and Lexi, and Naomi Roth will start at 6:30 and we plan on having Bro. Jason Dotterer from Forrest with us to help with the testimonies and baptisms.
The angels are rejoicing in that Trent Rokey has surrendered his heart to the Lord in repentance. Trent is 11 years old and is the son of Bro. Robert & Sis. Melissa Rokey. We are thankful for his surrendered heart and the gift of salvation.
August 17th and 18th: Testimonies and baptisms for Naomi Roth, Clayton & Lexi Wiegand and Dave Wiegand
August 18th: Sunday School Resumes
September 15th: All church invite a friend
Apostolic Christian Church