CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar
SERMONS: Audio/Video
SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Office/computer paper for the Heart House
We plan to have our Christmas Day service this Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. This will cancel our Wednesday evening service this week.
Rotating potluck lists are ready for pick up. They are located in the box at the message center.
Our study for the 2025 Winter Group Study is the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew. While the Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes is among the best known of Jesus’s teachings, do we really understand it and do we Christians follow what He said he wanted his followers to do and be? Become reacquainted with Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount and also become closer spiritually with others in our Goodfield church.
This small group study is open to all and has been such a blessing to build Spiritually deep relationships within our church body!
Click-here to sign-up for the Winter Bible study. You can also sign-up at the information center. Also, remember checking “leader” is more of a group coordinator/host. Please consider and mark being a leader or host a group. We will form groups after January 5th.
Any questions please see Bro. Nate and Sis. Brittany Zeltwanger. Bro. Jon and Sis. Abby Hohulin are also joining this committee.
We are excited to announce that our Goodfield congregation is going to host the 2025 Proclaim and Serve conference on July 11th and 12th. The conference is about learning together how we as individuals and as a church can become more effective at reaching a lost world with the light of the glorious gospel. There has been some confusion in the past about the focus of the conference. This is not an overseas mission conference. There will be as many presentations and discussion groups that focus on how we can support the Great Commission in our churches and communities as there will be about overseas mission opportunities. We last hosted in 2022 and many of you were instrumental in helping. Bro. Kevin and Sis. Lindsay Wiegand have agreed to be our coordinators for this conference, and they will begin immediately reaching out to individuals and couples to help lead teams. Our goal is to have approximately 10 team leads identified by January 15th. These team leads will be coordinating accommodations, food, the exhibitor hall, promotions, technology, signage, manpower, prayer support, photography, etc. Last year’s conference brought in over 600 attendees. The more people we can get involved, the easier it will be to provide a successful and blessed conference. We will likely need at least 30 homes for overnight accommodations. I know that events like these require a lot of work. I also know that when our church family comes together and lends our talents for God’s glory, we are blessed immensely. If you would like to be put on the list as a volunteer, please reach out to Kevin and Lindsay. If they reach out to you, please be willing to help if you can. I am confident that if the majority of our Goodfield church is involved in a volunteer capacity or as attendees, our church will be impacted for the better. Please mark your calendars and be prepared to help however you can.
The holidays & cold winter weather are an especially difficult time for the grieving. GriefShare is a faith-based program designed so that the meetings are a safe space to share our grief struggles with others through videos & participant interaction. It is open to everyone in the community who may be experiencing grief of a spouse, child, parents or family member. The next session begins Jan. 13, 2025, and will be held for 13 consecutive weeks from 6:30pm - 8:30pm at the Fellowship Hall. Bro. Alan & Sis. Joanne Roth will be hosting the program and would be happy to answer any questions about the program. Please share if you or someone you know someone who can benefit from this program.
Contact information:
Alan & Joanne Roth
Save the Date to Register and Attend ALive 2025
Planning has begun for the ALive 2025 weekend over Memorial Day (May 23rd - May 26th). This year’s theme will be Inward. Outward. Upward in our Postmodern Age, with Bros Mike Grimm, Matthew Moore, and Jon Stoller bringing forth the word throughout the weekend. The weekend will also include worship through song, fellowship, and several camp activities. We are grateful for the opportunity to continue hosting at “The Vision” Christian retreat in Huntsville, AL ( As a small congregation, we have cherished the relationships and encouragement past ALive weekends have created for our local church family.
For more event details visit For any updates on the event, follow us on Facebook or Instagram @ALiveAlabama. Another avenue for information is to be added to our email list via the form on our website. Registration begins February first, at which time links for event registration will be available via all forums.
As the committee continues planning, we covet prayers for ALive25 to glorify God, and fulfill the vision of creating an environment of rest and revival where cross-generational relationships continue to be strengthened and cultivated. We are eagerly awaiting the weekend and look forward to seeing y’all there!
“And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:11
In Christ,
The ALive25 planning committee on behalf of the Athens Congregation
We rejoice that Haley Sauder is at peace with God and desires baptism. We plan to hear her testimony and baptize her April 5 and 6. Haley is the daughter of Bro. Nate & Sis. Emily Sauder. Please feel free to reach out to her with any questions or encouragement between now and then and continue to pray for Haley.
Apostolic Christian Church