MONTHLY COLLECTION: Apostolic Christian HarvestCall
Reminder that we have an option to donate electronically.
CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar
SERMONS: Audio/Video
SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Dish soap (regular size bottles) for the Heart House
The Young Group Girls Bible Study will be this Tuesday evening at Sis. Claire Wiegand’s house at 7:00 p.m.
The Young Group Guys Bible Study will be at the same time at Bro. Drake Rocke’s house.
Bro. Caleb Plattner from Peoria plans to be with us Wednesday evening at 7:00 in the Fellowship Hall to share a study on “The Wrath of God”. All are welcome and encouraged to join us.
We look forward to having testimonies and baptisms for Logan & Kierstyn Dietrich, Jude Knapp and Alex Wiegand this weekend. Testimonies will start at 6:30 on Saturday evening. It is Group 2’s turn to help and bring food for the baptism. Please sign up here if you can help.
It is time to sign up for rotating potluck. If you would like to participate, please sign-up at the message center. If you have any questions, please see Bro. Mike or Sis. Gretchen Zimmerman or Bro. Tim or Sis. Susie Blunier.
Good Thrifts thrift store is now open at the former Baptist Church on Robinson Street here in Goodfield. This is a collaborative effort with New Castle Bible Church. If you are interested in donating items or volunteering, there will be information posted at the message center or see Bro. Erik or Sis. Carrie Wiegand.
There will be a walk-through shower on Saturday, November 2nd for 3 couples:
Cade & Haven (Slagel) Schumacher
Reuben Roberts & Elise Hobbs
Drew Schrock & Kristy Kieser
The shower will be held in the Gathering Room from 9-10 AM. Please bring $5-10 and a paper product. If you would like to help with the shower, please
sign up here. Contact Sis. Lisa Rieke with any questions
ACTIVE Parents: It is time to start collecting items for Operation Christmas Child. Please contact Sis. Cassie Knepp for more information.
There will be 2 classes offered for Perspectives in the World Christian Movement this spring. One is in Washington and the other is in Bloomington. Please go to to get times and locations. Both classes start in January 2025. See Bro. Erik Wiegand with any questions.
Item donations are needed for the Hospital Lumiere’s annual benefit auction. This year, there will be both a Virtual online Auction and an In-Person Auction. Auction items should be delivered to Gridley IL by Oct. 25. For more information or to donate an item or service, visit the HarvestCall website: Contact Sis. Jill Wagner with any questions.
-The Online Auction will be Thursday October 31 through Saturday November 2.
-In Person Auction will be Friday, November 8 The Water Tower in Gridley, IL, with a meal beginning at 4:00 and the Auction beginning at 6:00
The ETR Apologetics Committee is planning its fifth annual Apologetics Conference on Saturday, November 9 in Smithville, OH. The purpose of the conference is to raise awareness of what apologetics is, why it matters, and introduce major apologetic questions. This year's theme is "I’m Glad You Asked: How Good Questions Turn Doubt to Faith". All of us have questions, from a simple curiosity to deeper struggles to understand the world around us. The secular world is providing answers; often without dialog, compassion, or a consideration of Biblical perspectives. At the 2024 Apologetics Conference we will look at how we are equipped to listen, support, and respond to each other with Love, Respect, and Truth. More information and a registration link can be found on the ETR Website. Registration is required so that Smithville can make adequate plans for food, materials, and staffing. We encourage Apostolic Christian ministers, Sunday School teachers, and spouses and anyone who is interested to register as soon as possible.
The Silver Lining’s next reader-submitted article is set for January 2025. The topic is: How has God blessed you through working everyday miracles in your own and/or others' lives (Acts 2:22)? Please submit your contribution (length = 600 words or less) on this topic to by November 15, 2024. Anyone may also email that same address for writing support or clarification.
Apostolic Christian Church