Our collection for the month of February is for Apostolic Christian HarvestCall. This is an outreach arm of the Apostolic Christian Church of America. It is a ministry formed from the merger of World Relief and the Mission Committee. HarvestCall’s purpose is to enable the Apostolic Christian brotherhood to proclaim Christ and serve others beyond the capacity of the local church. Please join us as we strive to alleviate suffering and despair around the world by sharing Jesus through words of truth and deeds of compassion.
CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar
SERMONS: Audio/Video
SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Kleenex for the Heart House
There will be ACTIVE this Wednesday evening, and the Bible class will have ACYF practice.
It is Goodfield’s turn to have Sunday morning services at the Eureka AC Home each Sunday in February. These services begin at 8:45 a.m. Please come help sing and support our ministers if you are able.
The updated missionary prayer books are in the back hall. Please take one and dedicate time in prayer for our missionaries that are spreading the Gospel across the world.
It’s time to update our church directory. If you have any changes, please get them to Bro. Randy & Sis. Roxy Blunier or Bro. Barry & Sis. Joyce Kloter. Thank you!
From the Apostolic Christian Home of Eureka:
· Excellent opportunity to purchase a duplex in our quiet Valley Court neighborhood. $180,000 life lease purchase of a duplex that is being renovated in March. Act now and you can chose new kitchen cabinets, countertops and appliances plus all new floor coverings! Duplex #509 is located on the north side of Valley Court with southern sun exposure. Contact Kim Joos, Administrator at 309-460-1201 for a tour and additional information . We would love to have you join our duplex family!
· Our people are known for their great AC cooking and we are looking for a few of you to put your talents to use for our condo and apartment residents as a volunteer or an employee. Prepare and serve a homemade meal in our condo kitchen for 10-15 residents Monday through Friday. Choose one day a week or all five days! Contact Kim Joos, Administrator at 309-460-1201 for more information on how you can support our mission in this way.
Save the Date for the Midwest Foodbank Gala dinner and auction on Saturday, April 5th. Trails End is catering a rib eye dinner. To purchase tickets or donate an auction item or money, please contact sisters Paula Hartman, Kary Wiegand or Alice Ruegsegger. Thanks for your support of the Foodbank!
The Silver Lining’s next reader-submitted article is set for May 2025. The topic is: Faith in Dark Valleys: Describe how God sustained you or an acquaintance during a challenging season — drawing strength from his Word (Psalm 23:4). Please submit your contribution (length = 600 words or less) on this topic to by March 15, 2025. Anyone may also email that same address for writing support or clarification.
The families of Jerry Steffen would like to thank everyone for their cards, prayers, love and sharing of memories! A big thank you to our ministering brothers, choir, kitchen staff, and church congregation. You are all so loved.
Update on Erika Leman. Erika will have her first round of chemo today (Monday morning). She will be receiving them at Illinois Cancer Care in Peoria. We are thankful for the ways in which God has provided for the treatments to be done here and for the wonderful oncologist she has. Please pray that the chemo would kill the metastatic cells and that she would have few side effects. Thank you for the kindness’s and love our family has received these past two months. It has been amazing! For your information: Erika does have a caring bridge site: Erika’s CaringBridge. Bill and Terry Hart.
Apostolic Christian Church