Our collection for the month of March is for the General Operations fund. This is a church collection to provide available funds for the operation, maintenance and upkeep of our church facilities. These facilities include the church, fellowship hall, contents, grounds, parking lots and cemeteries.
Donate electronically
CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar
SERMONS: Audio/Video
SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Kleenex for the Heart House
This week is our annual spring Elder Conference in Bradford. The elder body appreciates your prayers as we work through the many things facing our church today.
There will be an all church, walk through shower this Tuesday evening, March 4th, from 7-8 PM in the Gathering Room for 4 couples:
Jessica Wettstein and Trevor Rocke
Brad Glueck and Bella Galbraith
Caleb Rocke and Sarah Reavely
Sarah Hartman and Kaleb Merritt
Please bring $5-10 and a paper product for each couple. Contact Sis. Lisa Rieke with any questions.
We are having a Family Hymn Sing this Saturday, March 8 at 6:30 at the Fellowship Hall. We have invited the Washington Church to join us. There will be a snack after the singing. If you would like to help out with the snack,
please sign up here. We hope that you can come join us in a night of song worship!
The Family Hymn Sing Committee
Nate & Emily Sauder
Dan & Holly Bauman
Brent & Trudy Blunier
We want to welcome Bro. Joe and Sis. Jan Beer back to our Goodfield congregation. They have moved back to the area after being gone from Goodfield for over 20 years. We are blessed to have them worshipping with us again.
A major wind and hailstorm has caused the need for a new roof on the Apostolic Christian Retirement Village in Sabetha Kansas. After much prayer and consideration, God has directed us to use volunteer labor to replace the roof on the whole facility. It will require 11 semi loads of shingles and many hours of volunteer labor. Lord willing, the “Rooftop Revival” project will begin Sunday evening, May 25th. The projected duration of the project is 5-7 weeks. This project will be patterned after the Winter Rebuilding ministry. Please use the Sign-up Genius link below to inform us of your plans so the local congregations (Bern and Sabetha) can make preparation.
Meals and accommodations will be provided, but we need all volunteers individually to respond via Sign-up Genius. Contact Bro. Barry or Sis. Joyce Kloter with questions.
Please pray for Cindy Rokey-Smith this week as she begins radiation treatment in Idaho for her cancer. The Phyllis Rokey family appreciates your support and prayers for her during this season.
Please join us and millions of Christians as we fast and pray for spiritual awakening for our Muslim friends and neighbors during the Ramadan season, which began this past Friday and lasts until March 29. This is an amazing opportunity to be intentional in prayer during this important season leading up to Easter. What is Ramadan? Click this link to learn:
You can sign up to pray here:
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please see Bro. Erik or Sis. Carrie Wiegand.
Apostolic Christian Church