

By Roxy Blunier January 20, 2025
MONTHLY COLLECTION: HarvestCall Disaster Relief Fund CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Hand soap/cleaning supplies for the Heart House (Could be toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom/kitchen cleaner, disinfectant spray, etc.) THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: There will be a blood drive at the Fellowship Hall on Monday, January 20th from 1:00-6:00 p.m. If you’d like to donate blood, please register online or contact Sis. Lynda Hinrichsen. The Heart House needs volunteers to have some door trim and floorboards stained, a ceiling (small ceiling) painted and a door painted. If there is anyone willing to help from within your circles, please have them sign up here. Looking to do this on January 21 & January 22. All the volunteers that have come and helped have been such a blessing and are so appreciated!! Contact Bro. Barry Kloter with any questions. This Wednesday evening ACCFS will be coming to speak to us about “Discipleship and Spiritual Disciplines”. This will be an introduction to a series they will be presenting to us this winter and will take place at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome and invited to come. There will be a Middle School Youth Activity Night at the Eureka Middle School on January 26th for our 5th-8th graders. This is a great way to get the Sunday school students of our church together in the wintertime for supper, have fun playing games, and continue to build relationships with each other. Student drop-off is at 4:30 p.m. and pick-up is at 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Bob or Sis. Ashley Schieler. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bible study books are in and available in the south foyer for pick up. It's time to update the lunch serving list. Please let Sis. Megan Rokey know if you wish to be added to the serving list or taken off the list. Bro. Nathan & Sis. Laura Wiegand are moving off of the Charity Fund Committee. Sis. Holly and Bro. Pete Wettstein have agreed to step onto this committee and take the lead role. The current charity fund committee is: Pete & Holly, Duane & Vermeda Freidinger, Brent & Trudy Blunier and Dawn Maloney The 75th Annual Goodfield Community Club Spaghetti Supper will be held on: Saturday, February 1st, 2025 Carry-out only at Goodfield Gradeschool Gym 4:30-6:30 pm They are in need of volunteers to make the night happen. Please sign up here to help out. Contact Sis. Abby Dietrich with any questions. Save the Date for the Midwest Foodbank Gala dinner and auction on Saturday, April 5th. Trails End is catering a rib eye dinner. To purchase tickets or donate an auction item or money, please contact sisters Paula Hartman, Kary Wiegand or Alice Ruegsegger. Thanks for your support of the Foodbank! THANK YOU NOTE: Thank you from Rob & Sis. Diane Gregoire: We would like to thank you for the flowers, prayers, texts, and kind words during the passing of Rob's father. Much love and blessings to you all.  PRAYER REQUEST: Our dear Brother Jerry Steffen passed away last week. His visitation will be Thursday, January 23rd from 4:00 to 7:00 PM at the Fellowship Hall and Friday the 24th from 9:00 to 9:45 at the church with the funeral following at 10:00 AM on Friday. Please continue to pray for the Steffen family during this difficult time. It is Group 2's turn to help and bring food for the funeral. Please sign up here if you can help.
By Roxy Blunier January 13, 2025
MONTHLY COLLECTION: HarvestCall Disaster Relief Fund CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Hand soap/cleaning supplies for the Heart House (Could be toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom/kitchen cleaner, disinfectant spray, etc.) THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: HarvestCall sewing will be held this Tuesday from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Fellowship Hall. All men and boys (5th grade and older) of our church are invited for our next Growing Godly Guys, or G3, Sunday morning coffee & devotion next Sunday morning, January 19th in the Gathering Room at 9:00 a.m. Contact Bro. Arlen Edelman with any questions. Family Hymn Sing is next Sunday evening, January 19 at 5:00 at the Fellowship Hall. We will put together health kits, eat a Tobin's pizza dinner and sing. Please sign up at the message center or through the online link in the announcements so the committee can plan food amounts. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bible study books are in and available in the south foyer for pick up. There will be a blood drive at the Fellowship Hall on Monday, January 20th from 1:00-6:00 p.m. If you’d like to donate blood, please register online or contact Sis. Lynda Hinrichsen. The Heart House needs volunteers to have some door trim and floorboards stained, a ceiling (small ceiling) painted and a door painted. If there is anyone willing to help from within your circles, please have them sign up here. Looking to do this on January 21 & January 22. All the volunteers that have come and helped have been such a blessing and are so appreciated!! Contact Bro. Barry Kloter with any questions. There will be a Middle School Youth Activity Night at the Eureka Middle School on January 26th for our 5th-8th graders. This is a great way to get the Sunday school students of our church together in the wintertime for supper, have fun playing games, and continue to build relationships with each other. Student drop-off is at 4:30 p.m. and pick-up is at 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Bob or Sis. Ashley Schieler. The 75th Annual Goodfield Community Club Spaghetti Supper will be held on: Saturday, February 1st, 2025 Carry-out only at Goodfield Gradeschool Gym 4:30-6:30 pm They are in need of volunteers to make the night happen. Please sign up here to help out. Contact Sis. Abby Dietrich with any questions. Save the Date for the Midwest Foodbank Gala dinner and auction on Saturday, April 5th. Trails End is catering a rib eye dinner. To purchase tickets or donate an auction item or money, please contact sisters Paula Hartman, Kary Wiegand or Alice Ruegsegger. Thanks for your support of the Foodbank! NATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Sunday School Curriculum Committee, a part of Onward Media, is excited to share an update with the church! In the past year, our dedicated team of authors, reviewers, coordinators, and illustrators across our congregations have written over 300 preschool through 12th-grade lessons. Nearly 500 lessons have been written in the last two years! This is a testimony of God's faithfulness and the hard work of our volunteers. Please thank those in your congregation who have been contributing! We aim to write the remaining 220 lessons by December 2025 and have the finished product ready afterward. However, you can access these lessons in their current format on our website. To finish, we need additional authors and reviewers: ten volunteers in high school, four in junior high, and two in first and second grade. Additional help for general review, copyright, and apologetics would also be appreciated. We need brothers and sisters willing to spend 2-5 hours a week writing and reviewing lessons that come alongside our families in teaching who God is, what he has done, and how he wants our students...the future of our live. For more information about the project watch this video and visit our website ( To volunteer, please sign up via this link or at our website by January 19. Please continue to pray God directs this work and brings us the volunteers we need. LETTER FROM ALTADENA, CA CHURCH: Greetings to you from Altadena, in the name of Jesus! We have been overwhelmed this past week with the shock and devastation of high winds and uncontrolled fire that has wreaked havoc on our community. We are also overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and care and prayer and offers of support from across our land. Some of you have lived here, some of you have buried loved ones here, many of you have visited us. There are lots of memories of the joys and sorrows, of the worship and fellowship we’ve shared. We believe that God is sovereign, that nothing happens outside of His control and that to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. As our congregation has become smaller over the years, we have asked the Lord for insight as to what the future holds for our church. On Tuesday, driving up the hill through the confusion of disaster, passing block after block of smoldering ruins, I turned and was amazed at the sight…our church building, standing there, untouched. The sight took my breath away and moved me to a sense of deep humility and gratitude. Today, we are thankful to be here, for such a time as this. Right away our minds can go to restoring and rebuilding or blaming and politicizing. However, our community is full of precious souls, made in the image of God and our primary need is prayer. So we ask that you join us. Pray that hearts and marriages and relationships and lives can be reborn, repaired and restored by the grace of God. Pray that in the name of Jesus, we can carry on His ministry… to proclaim good news to the poor, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, and to comfort all who mourn. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help us know how to share the light and love and life of Christ with our hurting community. Also, pray with us for discernment on how to help address imminent material needs. HarvestCall has reached out and we are making a list of those with whom we have current relationships that have suffered loss and need assistance. Donations can be made to the HarvestCall Disaster Fund/Altadena. Love, grace and peace to you all, Tom Klotzle and the Altadena/Los Angeles church REPENTANCE ANNOUNCEMENT:  We are very excited to announce that Fiona Rocke has accepted the free gift of salvation and is seeking membership in our church. Fiona is the daughter of Bro. Adam and Sis. Maribeth. Please pray for Fiona as we know Satan hates a public confession of faith in Jesus!
By Roxy Blunier January 7, 2025
MONTHLY COLLECTION: Our collection for the month of January is for the HarvestCall Disaster Relief Fund. This church collection is to provide readily available funds in anticipation of a disaster occurring later in the calendar year. Examples include tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, or other national or local disasters. CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Hand soap/cleaning supplies for the Heart House (Could be toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom/kitchen cleaner, disinfectant spray, etc.) THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: This Wednesday evening, Brother James Emch from Phoenix plans to be here and share his personal story of redemption. Everyone is welcome for this very informative and inspiring message. Our Wednesday evening at the Fellowship Hall starts at 7 PM. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2025 church yearly pocket calendars are available at the message center. You can also view our yearly church calendar on our website and there is a link to it each week at the top of the announcement emails. Contact Sis. Roxy Blunier with any questions. The Heart House in Eureka is doing some remodeling and could use volunteer help. The next days they need help are January 10th and 11th. An email was sent out with a link to sign up if you can help. Please contact Bro. Barry Kloter with any questions. We are excited to have the men and boys (5th grade and older) of our church get together again for our next Growing Godly Guys, or G3, Sunday morning coffee & devotion on Sunday, January 19th in the Gathering Room at 9:00 a.m. Contact Bro. Arlen Edelman with any questions. Reminder that the Charity Fund Committee has gas cards available for those in need. If you know of anyone who you feel could use a boost of encouragement, please text their name and address to Sis. Dawn Maloney at 309-472-6067 and she will take it from there. The gift card will come from the Goodfield AC Church with the gospel message of hope included with it. If you think of someone that could use help but does not have a car, and would not need a gas card, contact Sis. Dawn as there are other options as well. Anyone you think of qualifies for this! NATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Sunday School Curriculum Committee, a part of Onward Media, is excited to share an update with the church! In the past year, our dedicated team of authors, reviewers, coordinators, and illustrators across our congregations have written over 300 preschool through 12th-grade lessons. Nearly 500 lessons have been written in the last two years! This is a testimony of God's faithfulness and the hard work of our volunteers. Please thank those in your congregation who have been contributing! We aim to write the remaining 220 lessons by December 2025 and have the finished product ready afterward. However, you can access these lessons in their current format on our website. To finish, we need additional authors and reviewers: ten volunteers in high school, four in junior high, and two in first and second grade. Additional help for general review, copyright, and apologetics would also be appreciated. We need brothers and sisters willing to spend 2-5 hours a week writing and reviewing lessons that come alongside our families in teaching who God is, what he has done, and how he wants our students...the future of our live. For more information about the project watch this video and visit our website ( To volunteer, please sign up via this link or at our website by January 19. Please continue to pray God directs this work and brings us the volunteers we need. PRAYER REQUESTS: Thank you for the prayers for Sis. Marilyn Blunier. After a rough few days, the treatments in the hospital seem to be working and she received positive test results Sunday morning. Hopefully she will be recovered enough to come home in a day or two. Please pray for Rob Gregoire as his father, Benard Gregoire, passed away this week in Arkansas . Keep Rob and Sis. Diane in your prayers. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT:  We rejoice with Bro. Lakin and Sis. Abby Dietrich as they were blessed with a baby boy, Dakota James, on December 31st.
By Roxy Blunier December 30, 2024
MONTHLY COLLECTION: General Fund Donate electronically CALENDARS: Church calendar , yearly calendar , young group calendar , national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Office/computer paper for the Heart House THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: We plan to have our New Year’s Eve church service this Tuesday evening. We would like to begin our song worship at 6:45 and our pulpit service at 7:00. Everyone is welcome and this will cancel our Wednesday evening service this week. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Our study for the 2025 Winter Group Study is the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew. While the Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes is among the best known of Jesus’s teachings, do we really understand it and do we Christians follow what He said he wanted his followers to do and be? Become reacquainted with Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount and also become closer spiritually with others in our Goodfield church. This small group study is open to all and has been such a blessing to build Spiritually deep relationships within our church body! Click-here to sign-up for the Winter Bible study. You can also sign-up at the information center. Also, remember checking “leader” is more of a group coordinator/host. Please consider and mark being a leader or host a group. We will form groups after January 5th. Any questions please see Bro. Nate and Sis. Brittany Zeltwanger. Bro. Jon and Sis. Abby Hohulin are also joining this committee.
By Roxy Blunier December 23, 2024
MONTHLY COLLECTION: General Fund CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Office/computer paper for the Heart House THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: We plan to have our Christmas Day service this Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. This will cancel our Wednesday evening service this week. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rotating potluck lists are ready for pick up. They are located in the box at the message center. Our study for the 2025 Winter Group Study is the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew. While the Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes is among the best known of Jesus’s teachings, do we really understand it and do we Christians follow what He said he wanted his followers to do and be? Become reacquainted with Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount and also become closer spiritually with others in our Goodfield church. This small group study is open to all and has been such a blessing to build Spiritually deep relationships within our church body! Click-here to sign-up for the Winter Bible study. You can also sign-up at the information center. Also, remember checking “leader” is more of a group coordinator/host. Please consider and mark being a leader or host a group. We will form groups after January 5th. Any questions please see Bro. Nate and Sis. Brittany Zeltwanger. Bro. Jon and Sis. Abby Hohulin are also joining this committee. We are excited to announce that our Goodfield congregation is going to host the 2025 Proclaim and Serve conference on July 11th and 12th. The conference is about learning together how we as individuals and as a church can become more effective at reaching a lost world with the light of the glorious gospel. There has been some confusion in the past about the focus of the conference. This is not an overseas mission conference. There will be as many presentations and discussion groups that focus on how we can support the Great Commission in our churches and communities as there will be about overseas mission opportunities. We last hosted in 2022 and many of you were instrumental in helping. Bro. Kevin and Sis. Lindsay Wiegand have agreed to be our coordinators for this conference, and they will begin immediately reaching out to individuals and couples to help lead teams. Our goal is to have approximately 10 team leads identified by January 15th. These team leads will be coordinating accommodations, food, the exhibitor hall, promotions, technology, signage, manpower, prayer support, photography, etc. Last year’s conference brought in over 600 attendees. The more people we can get involved, the easier it will be to provide a successful and blessed conference. We will likely need at least 30 homes for overnight accommodations. I know that events like these require a lot of work. I also know that when our church family comes together and lends our talents for God’s glory, we are blessed immensely. If you would like to be put on the list as a volunteer, please reach out to Kevin and Lindsay. If they reach out to you, please be willing to help if you can. I am confident that if the majority of our Goodfield church is involved in a volunteer capacity or as attendees, our church will be impacted for the better. Please mark your calendars and be prepared to help however you can. The holidays & cold winter weather are an especially difficult time for the grieving. GriefShare is a faith-based program designed so that the meetings are a safe space to share our grief struggles with others through videos & participant interaction. It is open to everyone in the community who may be experiencing grief of a spouse, child, parents or family member. The next session begins Jan. 13, 2025, and will be held for 13 consecutive weeks from 6:30pm - 8:30pm at the Fellowship Hall. Bro. Alan & Sis. Joanne Roth will be hosting the program and would be happy to answer any questions about the program. Please share if you or someone you know someone who can benefit from this program. Contact information: Alan & Joanne Roth 309.448.2631 NATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Save the Date to Register and Attend ALive 2025 Planning has begun for the ALive 2025 weekend over Memorial Day (May 23rd - May 26th). This year’s theme will be Inward. Outward. Upward in our Postmodern Age, with Bros Mike Grimm, Matthew Moore, and Jon Stoller bringing forth the word throughout the weekend. The weekend will also include worship through song, fellowship, and several camp activities. We are grateful for the opportunity to continue hosting at “The Vision” Christian retreat in Huntsville, AL ( As a small congregation, we have cherished the relationships and encouragement past ALive weekends have created for our local church family. For more event details visit For any updates on the event, follow us on Facebook or Instagram @ALiveAlabama. Another avenue for information is to be added to our email list via the form on our website. Registration begins February first, at which time links for event registration will be available via all forums. As the committee continues planning, we covet prayers for ALive25 to glorify God, and fulfill the vision of creating an environment of rest and revival where cross-generational relationships continue to be strengthened and cultivated. We are eagerly awaiting the weekend and look forward to seeing y’all there! “And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:11 In Christ, The ALive25 planning committee on behalf of the Athens Congregation BAPTISM ANNOUNCEMENT:  We rejoice that Haley Sauder is at peace with God and desires baptism. We plan to hear her testimony and baptize her April 5 and 6. Haley is the daughter of Bro. Nate & Sis. Emily Sauder. Please feel free to reach out to her with any questions or encouragement between now and then and continue to pray for Haley.
By Roxy Blunier December 16, 2024
MONTHLY COLLECTION: General Fund CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Office/computer paper for the Heart House THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: There will be ACTIVE this Wednesday evening at 7:00. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rotating potluck lists are ready for pick up. They are located in the box at the message center. The holidays & cold winter weather are an especially difficult time for the grieving. GriefShare is a faith based program designed so that the meetings are a safe space to share our grief struggles with others through videos & participant interaction. It is open to everyone in the community who may be experiencing grief of a spouse, child, parents or family member. The next session begins Jan. 13, 2025 and will be held for 13 consecutive weeks from 6:30pm - 8:30pm at the Fellowship Hall. Bro. Alan & Sis. Joanne Roth will be hosting the program and would be happy to answer any questions about the program. Please share if you or someone you know someone who can benefit from this program. Contact information: Alan & Joanne Roth 309.448.2631 BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT:  We rejoice with Bro. Jesse and Sis. Tiffany Ruegsegger as they were blessed with a baby boy, Wells Michael, on November 27th.
By Roxy Blunier December 10, 2024
MONTHLY COLLECTION: General Fund CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Office/computer paper for the Heart House THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: This Wednesday evening Bro. Dale Koch plans to be with us and his topic will be “Jesus- fully God, fully man.” This will be held at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. and everyone is welcome. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: As previously shared, the Apostolic Christian Home of Eureka has an opening for a Director of Finance. An individual with a mission-focused heart is needed for this leadership position, and meeting this need is a key step for Administration as we work to plan for the future. As our sponsoring church family, we ask you to share this need with your family and friends from other Apostolic Christian Churches to help spread the word of this wonderful opportunity to make a difference for Christ. More importantly, we ask that you please pray for God to direct the right individual to answer this call to serve in our local mission. We greatly appreciate your prayers and support. After prayerful consideration, interested individuals should submit their resume or any questions to Kim Joos, Administrator at Dear Goodfield Church Family, I would like to make you aware of a scholarship opportunity for residents of the State of Illinois that attend the Apostolic Christian Church. A gentleman who lived in one of our church communities passed away that some of the young people of the church had worked for, from time to time. When he passed away, he wanted to provide a scholarship opportunity to support the young people of the church. As a result, the Apostolic Christian Home of Eureka, Apostolic Christian LifePoints, and Apostolic Christian Counseling and Family Services, are pleased to offer this opportunity for financial assistance to students, enrolled part-time or full-time at an accredited college or university, pursuing a degree in a field that would be beneficial to these organizations, or an accredited certificate program. In 2024, eight individuals were offered the scholarship opportunity for a total of $32,000. Link to scholarship details: Scholarship Detail Please see the link for cover letter and application that describes how to apply for this scholarship opportunity. Blessings, Jeff Gail Ames would like the whole church to know that her last CT scan came back cancer free and she gives God all the glory! Thank you for your prayers. 
By Roxy Blunier December 2, 2024
MONTHLY COLLECTION: Our collection for the month of December is for the General Fund. This is a church collection to provide available funds for the operation, maintenance and upkeep of our church facilities. These facilities include the church, fellowship hall, contents, grounds, parking lots and cemeteries. CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Office/computer paper for the Heart House THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: There will be ACTIVE this Wednesday evening. The Bible class will be practicing for the Christmas program. All Church Christmas Caroling will be this Friday, December 6th at 6:00 pm. Food signup sheets are at the message center. You can sign up for caroling groups either online or at the message center. The Sunday School Christmas program will be held during afternoon service next Sunday, December 8. Also, next Sunday, at 1:30pm, the Young Group & Bible Class will be meeting in the church parking lot to carol at The Motherhouse and then will come back to the Fellowship Hall for food and games. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: There are numerous coffee mugs and miscellaneous dishes in the ladies’ coat room, that have been at the church for quite some time. If they aren’t claimed by December 8, they’ll be taken to Goodwill. The Goodfield Worship Choir will begin practices soon for the Christmas session. Practices are usually held after Wednesday evening services or after Sunday services. Please see Bro. Erik or Sis. Carrie Wiegand if you are interested in participating.  As previously shared, the Apostolic Christian Home of Eureka has an opening for a Director of Finance. An individual with a mission-focused heart is needed for this leadership position, and meeting this need is a key step for Administration as we work to plan for the future. As our sponsoring church family, we ask you to share this need with your family and friends from other Apostolic Christian Churches to help spread the word of this wonderful opportunity to make a difference for Christ. More importantly, we ask that you please pray for God to direct the right individual to answer this call to serve in our local mission. We greatly appreciate your prayers and support. After prayerful consideration, interested individuals should submit their resume or any questions to Kim Joos, Administrator at
By Roxy Blunier November 26, 2024
MONTHLY COLLECTION: Eureka Apostolic Christian Home CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Office/computer paper for the Heart House THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: We plan to have our Thanksgiving service at 10:00 a.m. this Thursday. Everyone is welcome. This will cancel our Wednesday evening service this week. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: There are numerous coffee mugs and miscellaneous dishes in the ladies coat room, that have been at the church for quite some time. If they aren’t claimed by December 8, they’ll be taken to Goodwill. The Goodfield Worship Choir will begin practices soon for the Christmas session. Practices are usually held after Wednesday evening services or after Sunday services. Please see Bro. Erik or Sis. Carrie Wiegand if you are interested in participating. All Church Christmas Caroling will be Friday, December 6th at 6:00 pm. Food signup sheets are at the message center. You can sign up for caroling groups either online or at the message center. The Sunday School Christmas program will be held during afternoon service on Sunday, December 8.  For anyone interested in learning about and praying for the persecuted church, there are Voice of the Martyr prayer calendars at the message center.
By Roxy Blunier November 20, 2024
MONTHLY COLLECTION: Eureka Apostolic Christian Home Reminder that we have an option to donate electronically. CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar SERMONS: Audio/Video SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Christmas gift bags, tissue paper, boxes for the Heart House THIS WEEK’S EVENTS: Tonight (Tuesday, November 19) will be blanket tying for the Empower Life Center (formerly the Women’s Pregnancy Center). This event is for all women in the church from 5th grade on up. It will begin at 6pm in the Gathering Room. We will also be collecting baby items to donate to the Center if you would like to do that. Please contact Ellie Gramm or Carrie Blunier if you have any questions. Click on the link at the bottom of this email to see the invite. We look forward to having testimonies and baptisms for Max and Jessica Hodel, Dierks Knepp and Katelyn Schieler this weekend. Singing will begin at 6:20 Saturday evening with the testimonies starting at 6:30. It is Group 3’s turn to help and bring food for the baptism. Please sign up here if you can help. It is Goodfield’s turn to have Sunday morning services at the Eureka AC Home each Sunday in November. These services begin at 8:45 a.m. Please come help sing and support our ministers if you are able. LOCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: All Church Christmas Caroling will be Friday, December 6th at 6:00 pm. Food signup sheets are at the message center. You can sign up for caroling groups either online or at the message center. 
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