MONTHLY COLLECTION: Local Area Relief Projects
CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar
SERMONS: Audio/Video
This Wednesday evening we plan to have a testimony night at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall main assembly room. Bro. Brant Rushton, a minister in Gridley, plans to share his testimony with us. Everyone is welcome.
We look forward to having testimonies and baptisms for Macy and Talon Wettstein and Kaitlyn Schieler this weekend. Testimonies will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 29th. It is Group 1’s turn to help and bring food for the baptism snack. Please click on this link if you can help or bring food. We especially need 4 waitresses. Contact Sis. Joanne Roth or Sis. Paula Hartman with any questions.
Our Bible Class arrived safely to Sunset Gap, TN. Thanks for your continued prayers for the group this week.
This is a message from Bro. Jacob Wiegand and his fiancé Sis. Libby Schulz:
We have been blessed with so much love from family and friends over the years, but due to large numbers, we are not able to invite everyone to share in our wedding ceremony. We'd still love to have you share in our special day, so please join us for the reception… Sunday, July 14th at the Goodfield Fellowship Hall from 2:30 - 4:30. Please sign up on the sheet at the information center by Sunday, June 30th to let us know if you'll be attending.
The 48th annual Gateway Woods Auction will be held on Saturday, August 3rd. If you wish to donate items or sign up to volunteer, please see Bro. Erik or Sis. Carrie Wiegand for details. Items must be in to them by July 17th. Our Goodfield congregation is blessed to have several members of our church family serving at Gateway Woods so your support is greatly appreciated.
Bro. Adam and Sis. Kathy Herrmann plan to move to Indiana this week to serve at Gateway Woods. Please remember their family in prayer.
The Proclaim & Serve 2024 missions conference is Saturday, July 13 at Bluffton Church. Everyone is invited to this inspiring and thought-provoking event. You do NOT need to be a missionary or be actively involved in an outreach to attend. ALL are encouraged to come and be inspired, be challenged, and be better equipped to share the gospel. Learn more and register before the July 9 deadline at
All brothers and sisters throughout the land are encouraged to attend the 2024 General Conference of the Apostolic Christian Church in Peoria on August 9. The theme is “For Such a Time as This.” It will be a wonderful day of worship, fellowship, and learning.
The Conference now has a new format. In addition to the normal pulpit messages and panel discussion, this year attendees can choose from a selection of breakout presentations and small-group discussions with leadership. And we’ll have more fellowship breaks and opportunities to praise God with singing.
In order to provide this new, customized conference experience, attendees must register online in advance at There you can see a detailed agenda for the day with descriptions of all the sessions.
To ensure more people have opportunity to attend, the registration deadline has been extended to July 12.
Our prayer is that this modified conference format will facilitate a strengthening of our bonds of love to each other, to Jesus, and his Word.
Believing that God has brought them together by faith, we would like to announce the engagement of Bro. Cade Schumacher to Sis. Haven Slagel from Gridley. Bro. Cade is the son of Bro. Dan & Sis. Heidi. Sis. Haven is the daughter of Dennis and Lorene Slagel. We are very thankful for them and trust that God will bless their future together.
July 8-12: Vacation Bible School
August 17th and 18th: Testimony and baptism for Naomi Roth
Apostolic Christian Church