Reminder that we do have an option to donate to the church electronically if you so choose.
CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar
SERMONS: Audio/Video
SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Shampoo for the Heart House
Young group girls Bible study will be this Tuesday evening at Sis. Joan Plattner’s home at 7 PM. Young group guys Bible study will be at Bro. Drake Rocke’s at the same time.
This Wednesday evening Bro. Mark Streitmatter from our Bloomington congregation plans to be with us to talk about “Gods Mercy”. This will be at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. and everyone is welcome.
We want to offer our sincere thanks for your engagement in our latest minister ballot. We had largest number of ballots returned at least in past memory. We will be discussing the results tomorrow and hope to have a conclusion to announce next Sunday.
October 5th is the Loving Shepherd Ministries Benefit Auction at Five Points in Washington. Dinner and Silent Auction at 5:00 with Live Auction at 6:30. Childcare will be provided.
The Annual Eureka Home Family Fest will take place Saturday, October 5th at the Goodfield Fellowship Hall from 4-8 pm. Please check the Home website for more information on the food booths, children’s activities and auctions.
Traditional auction item donations will NOT be needed this year since the online auction will be focused on services, meals, and activities. Please see list below for suggestions and feel free to add your own great ideas!
Your Detailed Information for donations may be sent to the Home or auction committee email at by September 28th.
Items for the Bake Sale will also be needed. We are also asking for volunteers to help with the event.
Click-here to help out. This is an opportunity to share and enjoy the gifts God has given to each of us. All the proceeds go to help the Eureka Nursing Home and their residents.
Ideas for auction:
- Ladies brunch/lunch
- Fresh produce with delivery
- Babysitting
- Tubing on the Mackinaw with lunch
- Landscape cleanup/flower planting
- Horseback riding
- Interior painting
- Sewing/mending
- Steak dinner
- Baking for church lunch
- Travel getaway
- Meal with delivery
- Housecleaning
- Kids activity day with lunch
- Handyman
- Shopping trip
- Pool & pizza party
- Share your skills with art/painting/baking lessons
- Fishing or boating trip
- Dish/dessert for potluck
The Hospital Lumiere Benefit Auction is coming up.
· Online/Virtual Auction will be held Oct 31-Nov 2, 2024.
· In Person Auction will be Nov. 8, 2024 – at The Water Tower, Gridley, IL a meal will be available as well as specialty coffee drinks
If you have items you wish to donate, the information is on the HarvestCall website.
Here is the Amazon wish list link like we have used in the past: Hospital Lumiere Auction Amazon Wish List
If anyone does not have Amazon and wishes to buy something for the Auction, please speak to Sis. Jill Wagner
We are excited to announce that 3 converts are at peace with God and desire baptism. They are Logan and Kierstyn Dietrich, and Jude Knapp (son of Bro. Josh & Sis. Carolyn). We plan to hear their testimonies and baptize them October 26th and 27th. Please feel free to reach out to them with any questions or encouragement between now and then and continue to pray for them.
Apostolic Christian Church