Reminder that we do have an option to donate to the church electronically if you so choose.
CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar
SERMONS: Audio/Video
SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Shampoo for the Heart House
Goodfield is hosting ACYF Day next Sunday, September 22. The Bible Classes from Peoria, Taylor, Roanoke, and Princeville are planning to be with us. The combined Bible Class choir will sing four songs for the congregation after the afternoon service. Please be prayerful that God will be glorified through this day of worship and relationship building.
We want to thank everyone that turned in a ballot for our minister search and for praying. We had a very positive discussion with the counseling elders last Monday evening and they helped draft this plan for going forward.
We have strong support for 9 brothers that split the majority of the votes between them. There was no clear break between the 9 and we feel that if we continued to survey the church in future ballots with all the brothers in the church, we would likely see similar results. We would like to send out a second ballot with all 9 of these brothers listed. We feel that all are well qualified to serve as a minister in the Goodfield church and we are hoping that by pairing the list down to these 9, we will have clarity. I have spoken to all 9 of these brothers and they are all willing to be considered for this 2nd vote.
The link for this ballot was sent out last evening in a separate email. If you would prefer a paper ballot, please let me (Jeff W) know today because we are planning on totaling the votes this coming Saturday evening. This is a fairly quick turnaround, but we trust that everyone has been praying and this is a more condensed list to pray over. We are also going to ask you to choose 3 names from the list. This does not indicate that we intend to put in 3 ministers, it will give us a better chance at clarity in the ballot.
We are still needing 2 ACTIVE teachers for elementary aged kids. Please contact Bro. Curt & Sis. Larisa Wettstein if you are interested and/or have questions. Thank you for your prayerful support.
The second annual adoption/foster families support day, Grafted Gathering, will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2024. Join us for a day of learning and sharing together at Tremont Apostolic Christian Church. Registration is now open! View details and registration at this link:
The Annual Eureka Home Family Fest will take place Saturday, October 5th at the Goodfield Fellowship Hall from 4-8 PM. Please check the Home website for more information on the food booths, children’s activities and auctions. Traditional auction item donations will NOT be needed this year since the online auction will be focused on services, meals, and activities. Please see the list below for suggestions and feel free to add your own great ideas!
Your Detailed Information for donations may be sent to the Home or auction committee email at by September 28th.
Items for the Bake Sale will also be needed. We are also asking for volunteers to help with the event. Click-here to help out.
This is an opportunity to share and enjoy the gifts God has given to each of us. Please see Sisters Jill Wagner or Jenise Wiegand if you need any questions answered.
Ideas for auction:
• Ladies brunch/lunch
• Babysitting
• Landscape cleanup/flower planting
• Interior painting
• Steak dinner
• Travel getaway
• Housecleaning
• Handyman
• Pool & pizza party
• Fishing or boating trip
• Dish/dessert for potluck
• Fresh produce with delivery
• Tubing on the Mackinaw with lunch
• Horseback riding
• Sewing/mending
• Baking for church lunch
• Meal with delivery
• Kids activity day with lunch
• Shopping trip
• Share your skills with art/painting/baking lessons
Please pray for our dear sister Pam Knapp. Sis. Pam is in the hospital with pneumonia. Please pray for comfort and healing.
Also, please continue to pray for our brother Jon Knapp. He has been transferred to St. John’s hospital in Springfield and they were planning on doing an ICD procedure this morning.
We are thankful to announce that Kaylie Wettstein has turned to the Lord in faith and repentance. Kaylie is a senior in high school and her parents are Bro. Phil and Sis. Kristin Wettstein. Please pray for and encourage Kaylie in her new walk with Jesus!
Apostolic Christian Church