MONTHLY COLLECTION: HarvestCall Disaster Relief Fund
CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar
SERMONS: Audio/Video
SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Hand soap/cleaning supplies for the Heart House (Could be toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom/kitchen cleaner, disinfectant spray, etc.)
There will be a blood drive at the Fellowship Hall on Monday, January 20th from 1:00-6:00 p.m. If you’d like to donate blood, please register online or contact Sis. Lynda Hinrichsen.
The Heart House needs volunteers to have some door trim and floorboards stained, a ceiling (small ceiling) painted and a door painted. If there is anyone willing to help from within your circles, please have them sign up here. Looking to do this on January 21 & January 22. All the volunteers that have come and helped have been such a blessing and are so appreciated!! Contact Bro. Barry Kloter with any questions.
This Wednesday evening ACCFS will be coming to speak to us about “Discipleship and Spiritual Disciplines”. This will be an introduction to a series they will be presenting to us this winter and will take place at the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome and invited to come.
There will be a Middle School Youth Activity Night at the Eureka Middle School on January 26th for our 5th-8th graders. This is a great way to get the Sunday school students of our church together in the wintertime for supper, have fun playing games, and continue to build relationships with each other. Student drop-off is at 4:30 p.m. and pick-up is at 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Bob or Sis. Ashley Schieler.
Bible study books are in and available in the south foyer for pick up.
It's time to update the lunch serving list. Please let Sis. Megan Rokey know if you wish to be added to the serving list or taken off the list.
Bro. Nathan & Sis. Laura Wiegand are moving off of the Charity Fund Committee. Sis. Holly and Bro. Pete Wettstein have agreed to step onto this committee and take the lead role. The current charity fund committee is:
Pete & Holly, Duane & Vermeda Freidinger, Brent & Trudy Blunier and Dawn Maloney
The 75th Annual Goodfield Community Club Spaghetti Supper will be held on:
Saturday, February 1st, 2025
Carry-out only at Goodfield Gradeschool Gym
4:30-6:30 pm
They are in need of volunteers to make the night happen. Please sign up here to help out.
Contact Sis. Abby Dietrich with any questions.
Save the Date for the Midwest Foodbank Gala dinner and auction on Saturday, April 5th. Trails End is catering a rib eye dinner. To purchase tickets or donate an auction item or money, please contact sisters Paula Hartman, Kary Wiegand or Alice Ruegsegger. Thanks for your support of the Foodbank!
Thank you from Rob & Sis. Diane Gregoire:
We would like to thank you for the flowers, prayers, texts, and kind words during the passing of Rob's father. Much love and blessings to you all.
Our dear Brother Jerry Steffen passed away last week. His visitation will be Thursday, January 23rd from 4:00 to 7:00 PM at the Fellowship Hall and Friday the 24th from 9:00 to 9:45 at the church with the funeral following at 10:00 AM on Friday. Please continue to pray for the Steffen family during this difficult time. It is Group 2's turn to help and bring food for the funeral. Please sign up here if you can help.
Apostolic Christian Church