Our collection for the month of January is for the HarvestCall Disaster Relief Fund. This church collection is to provide readily available funds in anticipation of a disaster occurring later in the calendar year. Examples include tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, or other national or local disasters.
CALENDARS: Church calendar, yearly calendar, young group calendar, national church calendar
SERMONS: Audio/Video
SUNDAY SCHOOL COLLECTION ITEM: Hand soap/cleaning supplies for the Heart House (Could be toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom/kitchen cleaner, disinfectant spray, etc.)
This Wednesday evening, Brother James Emch from Phoenix plans to be here and share his personal story of redemption. Everyone is welcome for this very informative and inspiring message. Our Wednesday evening at the Fellowship Hall starts at 7 PM.
2025 church yearly pocket calendars are available at the message center. You can also view our yearly church calendar on our website and there is a link to it each week at the top of the announcement emails. Contact Sis. Roxy Blunier with any questions.
The Heart House in Eureka is doing some remodeling and could use volunteer help. The next days they need help are January 10th and 11th. An email was sent out with a link to sign up if you can help. Please contact Bro. Barry Kloter with any questions.
We are excited to have the men and boys (5th grade and older) of our church get together again for our next Growing Godly Guys, or G3, Sunday morning coffee & devotion on Sunday, January 19th in the Gathering Room at 9:00 a.m. Contact Bro. Arlen Edelman with any questions.
Reminder that the Charity Fund Committee has gas cards available for those in need. If you know of anyone who you feel could use a boost of encouragement, please text their name and address to Sis. Dawn Maloney at 309-472-6067 and she will take it from there. The gift card will come from the Goodfield AC Church with the gospel message of hope included with it. If you think of someone that could use help but does not have a car, and would not need a gas card, contact Sis. Dawn as there are other options as well. Anyone you think of qualifies for this!
The Sunday School Curriculum Committee, a part of Onward Media, is excited to share an update with the church! In the past year, our dedicated team of authors, reviewers, coordinators, and illustrators across our congregations have written over 300 preschool through 12th-grade lessons. Nearly 500 lessons have been written in the last two years! This is a testimony of God's faithfulness and the hard work of our volunteers. Please thank those in your congregation who have been contributing!
We aim to write the remaining 220 lessons by December 2025 and have the finished product ready afterward. However, you can access these lessons in their current format on our website. To finish, we need additional authors and reviewers: ten volunteers in high school, four in junior high, and two in first and second grade. Additional help for general review, copyright, and apologetics would also be appreciated. We need brothers and sisters willing to spend 2-5 hours a week writing and reviewing lessons that come alongside our families in teaching who God is, what he has done, and how he wants our students...the future of our live.
For more information about the project watch this video and visit our website ( To volunteer, please sign up via this link or at our website by January 19. Please continue to pray God directs this work and brings us the volunteers we need.
Thank you for the prayers for Sis. Marilyn Blunier. After a rough few days, the treatments in the hospital seem to be working and she received positive test results Sunday morning. Hopefully she will be recovered enough to come home in a day or two.
Please pray for Rob Gregoire as his father, Benard Gregoire, passed away this week in Arkansas . Keep Rob and Sis. Diane in your prayers.
We rejoice with Bro. Lakin and Sis. Abby Dietrich as they were blessed with a baby boy, Dakota James, on December 31st.
Apostolic Christian Church